Cardano Networks

IOHK currently offers one Mainnet network and multiple Testnet networks

Mainnet uses real ada with financial value; Testnet uses ‘fake’ ada that does not have financial value (an exception to this is that some ada on the Shelley Incentivised testnet, may be converted to real ada, see below for details).

Note that versions of Yoroi may be available for these networks too. Please see for more info.

High-level Comparison of Cardano Networks

Era Common Network Name Current Wallet Explorer Node Topology ada Use
Byron Mainnet Daedalus Yes Haskell Node Federated (run by IOHK) Real Transactions of ada
Byron Testnet Daedalus No Haskell Node Federated (run by IOHK) Fake Beta testing Daedalus
Shelley Incentivized Testnet Daedalus Rewards Yes RUST Node (Jormungandr) Distributed (run by IOHK and independent stake pools) Fake* Testing real incentives
Shelley Beta Testnet Daedalus Rewards No RUST Node (Jormungandr) Distributed (run by IOHK and independent stake pools) Fake Beta testing Jormungander
Shelley Nightly Testnet Daedalus Rewards No RUST Node (Jormungandr) Distributed (run by IOHK and independent stake pools) Fake Alpha testing Jormungander
  • The ada on Shelley Incentivized Testnet is fake but the ada gained from staking rewards (and only from staking rewards) can be transferred back to mainnet at the end of Incentivised Testnet and will become real spendable ada on Mainnet.